Waiting for the fountain to be,
Unavailing all the shadows in me.
Forbidden moments taken by you...
You! Wolf that bites without seeing,
That fire does not live without me.
Sacred was touched by poetry,
Where the kiss is more than melody.
Red vibration of rare penetration...
We! Passion of bold creation,
Weaving choices of fluid migration.
Spontaneity advised by patience,
Where aborted desires were created.
No mind was activated by imagination...
I ! The dreamer that does not see limitation,
Dancing the danger of matter and soul foundation...
Ocean of infinite possibilities,
Where consciousness lives before any creation...
And matter is just a dream of my own vibration.
Cosmic alignment of more that one imagination...
Where reality is just one being in relation,
Living in a soup of many from the same direction...
Being the desire to understand just an elevation.
Space and Time a non-Existence...
In the Light of Thought Creation.
Being the Mind a mere Reflection...
Of what Desire have for Direction.