Saturday 16 April 2016

Should I...

Should I burn it?
Should I believe?
The mandala is done!
Manifesting something that is not me...
Hoping for the believer to see...
Should I stop or continue this path of ties?
Where only the fools can be what they mean.
I am weak, in doubt of what I perceive.
Should I burn it?
Forgetting all the coincidences that were lived...
I am nothing,
I am just me!
No Literacy...
Just this gut feeling that lives in here.
Should I believe?
Courageously embracing you and me...
Showing that I am more than a student...
Someone to see,
An I full of be!
No dishonesty...
Just this believer that lives in here.
Should I burn it?
Should I believe?

Thursday 14 April 2016

Please remember me...

Please remember me...

When the stars have danced
And your eyes have seen.
When the light have open
The darkness of your being.
Humble is the heart of whom...
Walks the Sacred path,
And Fragility is our friend.
Desire is danced by fire,

Our souls wired.

Please remember me...

When the moon have touched
The sacred veins of your soul.
And the lake of sorrows just... 

Cried  for your own call.
Passion crumbles from the being
And fire bring you to the dance.
Threw the memories of the past,

Creating new ones that can last.
Becoming shadow and light
Consciousness of my own night.

Please remember me...

Friday 1 April 2016

Without rhymes...

Just leave your kiss behind,
Making sure that passion...
Still here!
Unknown distance of eye,
Conclusions without a sign.
Grabbing feelings from memories,
Crying pleasures inside.
Losing my body in fein,
Touching you by diaries.
Down with fantasies...
Rolling in your dreams,
Seeing you by streams.
Loving you...
Without rhymes.
Loving you...

Tuesday 29 March 2016

Lost in...

Lost in my steps,
Longing for your words to be.
Just in here! Near me...
You left me so thirsty
For that flow of just being.
We were in a bed of poems...
To just becoming!
By desire and distance, 
The presence of touch...
By fear and pain,
A poem to be!
The beloved that you become...
From mind to toe,
Inside my soul to be.
Insanity that touches mine...
Before any sanity!
Mirror that reflects the fall,
Eye of my own grail.
You scary me!
Do I scare you?
How can it be...
This to be!

Thursday 11 February 2016

Last ending!

Pain, pain, pain!
You took me to the floor.
Lies, lies, lies!
You broke me in a half.
No deal baby!
No deal!
No exchange fruits to heal.
Lets the anger get the best.
Lets the possession lick the pain.
No more games baby...
No more fun!
Lets the betrayal find its way.
Lets the lies create their ties.
No more despair.
We just end here!
I am sincere!


Anxiety that does not sleep...
Curiosity that nurture me.
Nothing stays the same...
Says the moment, yes ma'am!
Awake from despair...
Four years pregnancy,
Gave my heart back.
Honesty was born...
From my darkest seed.
Gods took my trust!
Only my mind can go in lust.
Saw the light...
Saw the thunder...
The sea took the night away.
Awake I am for you to know.
Gap between sister and lover.
No one can find me in her.
Treasure map found...
In his heart confined.
Rhyme without she.
Me is a mere sea.