Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Can you see?

Facing down my own body,
Beneath all boundaries to see,
All laws to embrace to fall...
Down the secrets walls to be.
Fighting the enemies that know,
More that they can tell...
Friends they say to be,
But judgements are here...
Can you see?
But love is here with me,
And webs come to be...
Around my all being.
How can I tell you?
How dangerous it is,
This love to be.
Secretive as to be,
Moments of love
For nobody to see.
And pain come to me
For not sharing mine..
Own joy of just being.
All around me is fear
Of spontaneity...
This wilderness, me!
Great Spirit and just me.
Can I sing?
My own song of being...
Just being!
Nothing else to be.
Nothing else to see...
Oh! spirit come to me,
In my own sleep,
And tell everyone
That they have to see.
This spiral of dancing,
This dream of being.
Help me to tell them...
That love is here.
No attachments,
No laws...
Just being, just seeing.
Ah! is only this...
Please can you see?
That they do not see...
The fear is big,
To let it be...
Love, just love
In secret, in your being!
To not be catch...
By our own fear.

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