Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Where have you been?

Where have you been?

When in my darkest night I have screamed,

For you to be in the same dream.

When all my soul had seen the sacred love,

Living behind any creation of being.

When all trees were singing your name

In tune with the Spirit inside my flame.

When in my own body a mark was done

By the beloved that you had become.

When I took away my own mask

before even you have asked...

Where have you been?

When the sea showed me the way

And you canceled all the bays.

When the wind called my name

And you choose to see the game.

When my wildest fire saw pure love

And you choose to be above.

When the dream become the creation

By the eyes of this wild love initiation.

When the dance became my tantra,

Writing poems just my own mantra.

Where have you been?

My beloved all this years...

Breathing the same stars,

Creating the same dreams.

Seeing the same stream

Where we saw our dream.

Being in the same soul

From the sacred pole.

Where have you been?

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