Wednesday, 13 October 2010

The Golden Shadows

The golden shadows
From that Fire of yours
Where illusion had died
And sensuality had cried.
Alone you left me, Guide...
Closing the door of Light,
Abandoned me in darkness
That does not come from mine.
Detached it is my being
From all that pretend sensing,
That concepts and words
Not fully eaten from woods,
Used and abused by Gods
Becoming could and should...
But only Drunkenness can do
To clean your own pain of blue.
Mistaken are your moments...
Of presence of being,
Of humility of seeing
With webs of unloving
That same song of living.
I saw what is not mine
In that shadows of shine
And my soul is singing
From that space of seeing
That I am the Present,
The now of my presence,
In each moment of ease
Without any urge of tease.
And that place is not mine,
That Black Magic spells
That lives inside your own cells,
Invited in by two poison spiders
Who could not perceive my Tigers
And fear became the red feelings
Inviting me to go for them to heal
That dependence that was not peeled.
Clarity become my friend
Free from any closed end,
I am in ease with what it is,
Harmony from my own kiss.

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